For Subscribers - Community Solar
The Community Solar Energy Program enables utility customers to participate in a solar energy project that is remotely located from their property.
See our Community Solar Brochure to get started:
Learn About Community Solar
The Board is pleased to announce that it has launched the Community Solar Project Finder to connect interested customers with community solar projects that serve their area. Developed in partnership with Sustainable Jersey, the Project Finder allows residents to search by ZIP code to view projects that are currently seeking subscribers.
How community solar works for subscribers:
The New Jersey Clean Energy Learning Center also has videos for developers and municipalities.
Additional information on how community solar works is available on the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy website.
A list of community solar subscriber organizations currently registered with the Board is available here.
You can view a sample utility bill for a residential community solar subscriber with PSE&G, JCP&L, Atlantic City Electric and Rockland Electric.
To stay up to date on community solar and communications, subscribe to the listserv here. An archive of messages sent to the Community Solar listserv is available here.
Questions or comments about community solar? Email us at [email protected]. Please use the Community Solar Complaint Form if you have a complaint about your community solar subscription.
Consolidated Billing
New Jersey’s Community Solar Energy Program now offers consolidated billing with all four electric distribution companies. Subscribers will now see their community solar subscription charges on their electric bills and will no longer receive separate bills from their subscriber organizations (community solar providers). Your regular monthly electric bill will show your normal electric usage and charges, your community solar kWh allocation and bill credit received from your community solar subscription, and the discounted subscription charge. The subscription charge will always be less than the bill credit, resulting in guaranteed savings!
For example, if you receive $50 in bill credits and your provider offers a 20% discount, you will see a community solar charge amount of $40, resulting in a net savings on your bill of $10.
The utilities also provide information about community solar to their customers: PSE&G, JCP&L, and Atlantic City Electric.
For subscriber organizations, each utility has a consolidated billing manual with instructions for setting up a project account and processing subscriber allocation lists: PSE&G, JCP&L (Q&A), Atlantic City Electric, and Rockland Electric.
Program Documents and Forms
- Community Solar Subscriber Organization Registration Form
- Community Solar Subscriber Disclosure Form
- Community Solar Bill Credit Calculations and Sample Bills
- LMI Self Attestation Form (English)
- LMI Self Attestation Form (Spanish)